Cursos, Talleres y Actividades.

Comenzá una nueva y emocionante carrera impactando en tu salud y la de otros..

Coaching en Salud y Medicina del Estilo de vida

Coaching en Salud y Medicina del Estilo de vida

Entrenate en Estilos Saludables y ayudá a los demás

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Wellness & Life Coach

Wellness & Life Coach

Las Neurociencias y la psicología positiva integran aspectos no explorados.

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Rescatistas Emocionales

Rescatistas Emocionales

Próximamente - Curso Intensivo de 2 meses

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Talleres y Encuentros

Talleres y Encuentros

Luego de cada curso podés acceder a actividades de actualización profesional

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Artículos recientes

Mentores que cambian vidas – US Reporter

The world is advancing at a meteoric rate; rigid routines and one-size-fits-all diets are no longer effective for people. The necessity of a good diet and a healthy state of mind will soon become a luxury if the world runs out of expert, balanced living mentors. They’re here to ignite a vibrant transformation, a kaleidoscope of well-being unique to you. These mentors, who don’t force individuals into predetermined molds, are being preferred, as they are well aware of what it takes to keep up with the immensely fast-paced and stressful society in which we live.

The following 15 holistic lifestyle coaches are the maestros, ready to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, where laughter replaces limitations and joy becomes your fuel.

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